Aug. 21 – Labor Day, Sept. 1, 2025
350 Days 21 Hours 50 Mins
West side of Cosgrove street between Wright & Dan Patch avenues
Information regarding the Minnesota Department of Transportation and distribution of state highway maps.
In the Education Building, just inside the main entrance
Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers, Marine Corps League, Vietnam Veterans of America, Disabled American Veterans, Information regarding programs available to Minnesota Veterans and family members, Minnesota Dept of Veterans Affairs, AMVETS, American Ex-Prisoners of War, Military Order of the Purple Heart - Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion and Jewish War Veterans.
In the Education Building, east wall
Information regarding the legislative process and participation by the public.
In the Education Building, center aisle section
Information on the Minnesota Lions Vision, Diabetes and Hearing Center programs.
East side of Cosgrove St. at the 4-H Building, next to the main entrance
Minnesota Newspaper Museum exhibit; an operating newspaper circa 1930's (also distribution of the Maynard News State Fair edition).
In the Education Building, south center section
Information regarding the Land Surveyor profession.
In the Education Building, east wall
Information regarding the functions and activities of the Minnesota State Senate.
In the Grandstand, lower level, south wall
Modern Envy designed sock ornaments, Modern Envy Designed prints, Modern Envy Designed stickers, Modern Envy designed hats with patches, Modern Envy designed T-shirts, Modern Envy designed tank tops, Modern Envy designed sweatshirts, Modern Envy Designed postcards, Modern Envy designed jackets, Modern Envy designed socks, Modern Envy Designed onesies.
East side of Nelson St. between Carnes & Judson avenues
educational exhibit and photos of more than 400 live reptiles.
West side of Underwood St. between Randall & Wright avenues
Morton timber column buildings and components.
Moulton's golf pouch (patent pending), Hip-klips & Aqua clips (hands free accessories), running belts, Hip-aapeals (hands free accessory), Pocket Plus (hands free accessory).
In the Grandstand, lower level, west section
an all natural organic, non-poisonous pest deterrent for homes, campers, cabins, gardens and landscapes.
In the Grandstand, upper level, southeast corner
handmade folding fans, Meditation and yoga inspired malas, aromatherapy essential oil diffuser jewelry, handmade with genuine semi-precious gemstones and crystals, meditation cards, meditation journals.
At the International Bazaar, south wall
Turkish mosaic and beaded lanterns and lamps, purses repurposed from semi-antique hand-woven regional carpets accented with leather and copper bells hand-made in India, rustic wood bowls, artwork painted on bird feathers, pottery from Nicaragua.
In the Pet Pavilions, north wall
pumpkin dog bone treats, mini Ruffcakes, Kirby's Donuts - bacon topped doggy donuts, Ruffcakes - soft baked doggy cupcakes, kitty treats.
In the Warner Coliseum, east side
T-shirts, necklaces, caps, belts, jackets, dresses, blouses, jeans, sunglasses, handbags.
In the Warner Coliseum, north side
children's toy tractors, toy motorcycles, toy car sets, military figures, sling shots, bow and arrows, electric toys, remote dinosaurs, board games, dolls, make-up sets, castles, hair bows, children's plush stuffed riding toy pony (does not need any battery power to make it run), stick horses, rocking horses, finger puppets, trick glasses, "gag" toys, clackers, whoopee cushion, children's rodeo brand themed kid's wear, caps, socks, jackets, umbrellas, coloring sets, farm animal toys, baby bibs, booties, slippers, sweaters, belts, children's cowboy hats, baby blankets.
In the Warner Coliseum, south side
bed pillows, pet pillows, body pillows, roll-up travel pillows, mattresses, mattress toppers, blankets, duvets, shams, comforters, sofa covers, bed liners, My Pillow brand pillows and travel pillows, pillowcases, sleepwear, slippers, bath mats, towels.
In the Grandstand, lower level, northwest section
Nada-Chair brand adjustable lumbar support chairs (Back-up, S'port Backer, SlouchBuster, ActiVest, LumbarJack, BackRX, SitPack, Curble, strapsits).
In the Grandstand, upper level, center section
earrings, tote bags, felted trivets, felted pouches/purses, felted mobiles, felted keychaines, felted Christmas ornaments, cashmere shawls, net/silk shawls, silk skirt wrap, cotton skirt wrap, hemp backpacks, hemp side bags.